Elliptical Traiiner Model 438
Assembly Guide
Owner’s Manual
Parts Diagram.......................................3 Safeguards..........................................17
Parts List ..............................................4 Features..............................................19
Hardware List.......................................5 Operation............................................20
Assembly Instructions..........................6 Maintenance.......................................46
Fitness Guide .....................................48
Workout Log ......................................57
Tools Required
The tools below are required during the assembly of your Schwinn® 438 ellipitcal
trainer. They are included with the product.
4mm Allen Wrench
5mm Allen Wrench
Open End Wrench
Philips Screwdriver
6mm Allen Wrench
Complete Parts Diagram
Console #2
Fan Assy #3
Front Stabilizer Assy #4
Left Pedal Arm Assy #7
Lower Left Handlebar Assy #6
Handlebar Jct Cover Set #5
Left Upper Handlebar #8
Left Mast Cover #12
Lower Handlebar Cover Set #9
Right Mast Cover #13
Lower Right Handlebar Assy #10
Complete Rear Rail Assy #14
Sub Pedal Arm Assy #17
Right Pedal Arm Assy #15
Console Mast Assy #18
Right Upper Handlebar #16
Complete Static Handlebar #19
Right Crank Cover #20
Shroud Plug #25
Left Crank Cover #21
AC Adaptor #23
Step #1
8.2x18x1.5T Curve Washer
#35 (Qty 6)
8x25 Button Head Bolt #36
(Qty. 6)
Step #3
Step #4, #5, and #10
8x15 Socket Cap Head Bolt 8.2x15x1.2T Arc Washer #43 5x8 Pan Head Screw #11
#26 (Qty 4)
(Qty 4)
(Qty 11)
Step #6
Step #7 and #8
12.5x25x1.0T Arc Washer
#32 (Qty 4)
10.2x25x1.5T Flat Washer
#33 (Qty 2)
20.5x29x1.5T Wave Washer
#27 (Qty 4)
Step #8
10x1.5 Nylon Hex Nut #34
(Qty 2)
4x16 Self-Tap Round Head
Screw #41 (Qty 2)
10.3x35x2T Flat Washer #28
(Qty 2)
Step #8 and #9
Step #9
8x50 Carriage Bolt #37
(Qty 2)
Nylon Hex Nut #29 (Qty 4)
8x10 Set Screw #30 (Qty 4)
4x16 Self-Tapping Round
Head Screw #41 (Qty 4)
Read and follow each step carefully and in proper order to avoid missing any
steps. Be sure to have all parts and tools on hand for a particular step before
beginning assembly for that step. If you discover parts are missing, contact
Customer Service at 800-864-1270.
Step 1—Assemble the Front Stabilizer and Rear Rail Assembly
1–1 Attach the Front Stablizer (#4)
to the Main Frame with two (2)
Button Head Bolts (#36) and
N/A Main Frame (Qty 1)
Front Stabilizer (Qty 1)
two (2) Curve Washers (#35).
#14 Rear Rail Assembly (Qty 1)
1–2 Attach the Rear Rail Assembly
(#14) to the Main Frame with
four (4) Button Head Bolts (#36)
and four (4) Curve Washers
#35 8.2x18x1.5T Curve Washer
(Qty 6)
#36 8x25 Button Head Bolt
(Qty 6)
Main Frame
Figure A–1
Step 2—Assemble the Console
2–3 Separate the two halves of the
Fan Assembly (#3) by removing
the five (5) screws.
Console (Qty 1)
Fan Assembly (Qty 1)
2–4 Place the rear half of the Fan
Assembly (#3) on the back of
the Static Handlebar (#19).
#19 Static Handlebar (Qty 1)
2–1 Remove the six (6) Round Head
Machine Screws (#1) from the
Console (#2).
2–5 Place the front half of the Fan
Assembly (#3) on the front of
the Static Handlebar (#19), and
reinstall the five (5) screws you
removed from the Fan Assembly
(#3) in step 2–3.
2–2 Attach the Console (#2) to the
Static Handlebar (#19) with the
six (6) Round Head Machine
Screws (#1) you removed in the
previous step.
2–6 Plug the Fan Assembly (#3) into
the Console (#2).
Fan Screw
Figure A–2
Step 3—Attach the Console Mast to the Main Frame
3–1 Securely attach the “zip tie” at
the bottom of the Console Mast
(#18) to the computer cable from
the Main Frame, and pull the
“zip tie” and attached computer
cable through the Console Mast
(#18) from the top.
N/A Main Frame (Qty 1)
#18 Console Mast (Qty 1)
#25 Shroud Plug (Qty 4)
#26 8x15 Socket Cap Head Bolt
3–2 Insert the Console Mast (#18)
into the Main Frame, and attach
with four (4) Socket Cap Head
Bolts (#26) and four (4) Arc
Washers (#43).
(Qty 4)
#43 8.2x15x1.2T Arc Washer
(Qty 4)
3–3 Place Shroud Plugs (#25) in the
holes in the Main Frame.
Main Frame
Figure A–3
Step 4—Attach the Console to the Console Mast
4–1 Attach the Console/Fan/Static
Handlebar Assembly (#2, #3,
and #19) to the Console Mast
(#18) with four (4) Pan Head
Screws (#11).
Console (Qty 1)
Fan Assembly (Qty 1)
#18 Console Mast (Qty 1)
#19 Static Handlebar (Qty 1)
#11 5x8 Pan Head Screw (Qty 4)
Figure A–4
Step 5—Attach Mast Covers
#12 Left Mast Cover (Qty 1)
#13 Right Mast Cover (Qty 1)
#18 Console Mast (Qty 1)
5–1 Slide the Left Mast Cover (#12)
over the Console Mast Pivot,
and attach with two (2) Pan
Head Screws (#11).
5–2 Slide the Right Mast Cover
(#13) over the Console Mast
Pivot, and attach with 3 Pan
Head Screws (#11).
#11 5x8 Pan Head Screw (Qty 5)
Console Mast Pivots
Figure A–5
Step 6—Attach the Sub Pedal Arm Assemblies and Crank Covers
6–2 Install the Nylon Hex Nut (#34)
on the right Pivot Tube bolt.
#17 Sub Pedal Arm Assy (Qty 2)
#20 Right Crank Cover (Qty 1)
#21 Left Crank Cover (Qty 1)
6–3 Align the Wheel on the Sub
Pedal Arm Assembly (#17)
in the track on the Rear Rail
#32 12.5x25x1.0T Arc Washer
6–4 Place the Right Crank Cover
(#20) on the right Pivot Tube
(Qty 4)
#33 10.2x25x1.5T Flat Washer
(Qty 2)
#34 10x1.5 Nylon Hex Nut (Qty 2)
#41 4x16 Self-Tapping Round Head
Screw (Qty 2)
6–5 Secure the Right Crank Cover
(#20) with the Self-Tapping
Round Head Screw (#41).
6–6 Repeat steps 6–1 through 6–5
for the left Pivot Tube using the
Left Crank Cover (#21).
6–1 Place the Sub Pedal Arm
Assembly (#17), two (2) Arc
Washers (#32), and one (1) Flat
Washer (#33) on the right Pivot
Tube (#22), as shown in the
figure close-up below.
Figure A–6
Step 7—Attach the Pedal Arm Assemblies
7–1 Remove the two (2) 8x1.25x10
Button Head Bolts (#39), a
8x1.25x20 Button Head Bolt
(#40), and a Pedal Arm Bracket
(#42) from the Right Pedal Arm
Assembly (#15).
Left Pedal Arm Assembly
(Qty 1)
#15 Right Pedal Arm Assembly
(Qty 1)
#17 Sub Pedal Arm Assy (Qty 2)
7–2 Attach the Right Pedal Arm
Assembly (#15) to the Sub
Pedal Arm Assembly (#17) with
a Wave Washer (#27), a Pedal
Arm Bracket (#42), two (2)
8x1.25x10 Button Head Bolts
(#39), and a 8x1.25x20 Button
Head Bolt (#40).
#27 20.5x29x1.5T Wave Washer
(Qty 2)
7–3 Repeat steps 7–1 and 7–2 for the
Left Pedal Arm Assembly (#7).
42 39
Figure A–7
Step 8—Attach the Upper Handlebar Assemblies
8–1 Attach the Right Upper
Handlebar (#16) to the Console
Mast (#18) with a Flat Washer
(#28), a Wave Washer (#27), and
a Nylon Hex Nut (#29).
Left Upper Handlebar (Qty 1)
#16 Right Upper Handlebar
(Qty 1)
#18 Console Mast (Qty 1)
8–2 Repeat step 8–1 for the Left
Upper Handlebar (#8).
#27 20.5x29x1.5T Wave Washer
(Qty 2)
#28 10.3x35x2T Washer Flat
(Qty 2)
#29 Nylon Hex Nut (Qty 2)
Figure A–8
Step 9—Attach the Lower Handlebar Assemblies
9–1 Attach the Lower Right
Handlebar Assembly (#10) to
the Right Upper Handlebar
(#16) using the two (2) Set
Screws (#30).
Lower Left Handlebar Assembly
(Qty 1)
Left Pedal Arm Assembly
(Qty 1)
9–2 Attach the Lower Right
Handlebar (#10) to the Right
Pedal Arm Assembly (#15)
using a Nylon Hex Nut (#29),
and a Carriage Bolt (#37).
Left Upper Handlebar (Qty 1)
Lower Handlebar Cover Set
(Qty 2)
#10 Lower Right Handlebar
Assembly (Qty 1)
#15 Right Pedal Arm Assembly
(Qty 1)
9–3 Secure the Lower Handlebar
Cover Set (#9) to the Lower
Right Handlebar Assembly
(#10) with two (2) Self-Tapping
Round Head Screws (#41).
#16 Right Upper Handlebar
(Qty 1)
9–4 Repeat steps 9–1 through 9–3
for the Lower Left Handlebar
Assembly (#6).
#29 Nylon Hex Nut (Qty 2)
#30 8x10 Set Screw (Qty 4)
#37 8x50 Carriage Bolt (Qty 2)
#41 4x16 Self-Tapping Round Head
Screw (Qty 4)
Figure A–9
Step 10—Attach the Handlebar Junction Cover Set
10–1 Attach the Handlebar Junction
Cover Set (#5) to the Right
Upper Handlebar (#16) with two
(2) Pan Head Screws (#11) and
the Cap.
Handlebar Junction Cover Set
(Qty 2)
Left Upper Handlebar (Qty 1)
#16 Right Upper Handlebar
(Qty 1)
10–2 Repeat step 10–1 for the Left
Upper Handlebar (#8).
#11 5x8 Pan Head Screw (Qty 4)
Figure A–10
Important Safety Information
Do not discard this Owner’s Manual. It contains important information on the
proper and safe operation of your Schwinn® Elliptical Trainer Model 438.
The following is a list of warning labels used throughout this manual:
Warning: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could
result in death or serious injury.
!,7!93 $)3#/..%#4 0/7%2 4/ 4(%
%,,)04)#!, "%&/2% 3%26)#).' 4()3
3%26)#).' 4(% 5.)4 7)4( 0/7%2
#/..%#4%$ -!9 #!53% %,%#42)#!,
3(/#+3ꢁ %,%#42/#54)/. /2
-%#(!.)#!, ).*529ꢂ
Fitness Safeguards and Warnings
Before starting any exercise program, obtain a medical exam to confirm your
fitness level and ability to perform the planned program. See your physician; he
or she can help establish the correct exercise frequency, intensity (target heart rate
zone), and time appropriate for your particular age and condition.
The following five warnings listed below are located on the warning label affixed
to the computer console mast of the machine:
• Read and understand the “Owner’s Manual” before using this equipment.
• If you feel unusual pain, dizziness, shortness of breath, chest tightness or
discomfort, STOP all use, and consult your physician immediately.
• Misuse or abuse of this equipment may lead to serious injury.
• Keep children away from this equipment, and supervise teenagers using it.
• Replace this or any other warning label if damaged, illegible, or missing.
Other Important Safeguards and Warnings
• The equipment is not designed for, and is not safe for, use by people weighing
more than 300 pounds (136 kilograms).
• Follow all instructions in the Schwinn® Elliptical Trainer Model 438 Assembly
Guide and Owner’s Manual. Use the machine only as outlined in the manual’s
operating instructions.
• The owner must ensure that all users of this equipment are adequately informed
of all warnings, precautions, and instructions.
• Keep the area within 39 inches (100 centimeters) of the equipment on all sides
clear of all obstructions, children, bystanders, and pets.
• Warn bystanders to keep a safe distance from the equipment, especially from the
moving pedals.
• Use the equipment only on a solid, level surface. Cover the floor or carpeting
beneath the equipment for protection.
• Keep fingers and other objects away from moving parts of the equipment.
• Always wear athletic shoes for foot protection. Do not wear loose clothing that
could become entangled in the drive mechanism.
• Do not allow anyone other than the user to touch the machine while it is in
• Care should be taken when mounting or dismounting the machine.
• Do not operate in damp or wet conditions.
• Before each use, inspect the equipment for loose, broken, or worn parts. If any
are present, do not use the equipment.
• The safety of the equipment can only be ensured if it is regularly examined and
maintained. (See the maintenance section of the Schwinn® Elliptical Trainer
Model 438 Assembly Guide and Owner’s Manual.)
• Service the equipment only in accordance with the maintenance section in the
Schwinn® Elliptical Trainer Model 438 Assembly Guide and Owner’s Manual.
Always disconnect the power supply before servicing the machine.
• This elliptical is for home use only. Do not use in a commercial, institutional, or
rental setting.
Schwinn® Model 438 Features
Synchronized Arms
For a total body workout.
Heavy Duty Construction
Sturdy construction stands up to the most intense
workout environment.
Foot Platform
Two-piece, padded, open-ended foot plates for
all sizes that move along with your natural foot
Feature-packed computer with 16 levels of
resistance and 24 programs. Backlit LCD with
LED and scrolling alphanumeric prompts.
Four User Settings
Reprogramming not required for multiple-user
Grip and Telemetric Heart Rate
For monitoring your workouts.
3-Speed, Adjustable Air-Flow Fan
Keeps you cool while you workout.
Transport Wheels
Built-in transport wheels allow a single individual
to easily move and position the elliptical trainer
across any flat surface.
Frame Stabilizers
Oversize frame stabilizers for added stability.
Using Your Schwinn® Elliptical Trainer Model 438
Before operating your Schwinn® 438 elliptical trainer, read the
warnings listed on pages 17 and 18 of this manual.
ANY EXERCISE PROGRAM. He or she can help establish
the exercise frequency, intensity, (including determining your
maximum and minimum heart rate and target heart rate zones),
and the exercise time appropriate for your particular age and
If you have not been exercising or are pregnant or have a
heart condition or any physical limitation, failure to consult
your physician before engaging in physical exercise, such as
using this elliptical trainer, could result in serious injury or
death. If while using this elliptical trainer you have any pain
or tightness in your chest, an irregular heart beat, shortness of
breath, feel faint, or have any discomfort, STOP and consult
your physician immediately.
Getting Started
Plug the AC adapter into the back of the console.
To start using your Schwinn® elliptical trainer, stand on the
foot pedals, with the front of your shoes close to the front
edge of the foot platform. Place your hands at a comfortable
position on the upper body arms. Move your highest foot
forward, and follow the natural path of the machine.
Start on a level that is comfortable to familiarize yourself with
the machine. Once you are comfortable, start adjusting the
level to achieve the desired workout.
Full Body/Lower Body
You can use your Schwinn® elliptical trainer for a complete
body workout or lower body workout only. If you choose
not to use your arms, place them on the stationary handles
in front of you. Remember, the more muscles you use, the
more calories you burn.
You can use your Schwinn® 438 elliptical trainer in the
forward and reverse directions to vary the muscles you work
out. This will also vary your workout, helping you to stay
motivated. To change directions, simply slow the pedals
down until they stop, and switch directions.
Resistance Control
You can change the resistance level in your Schwinn® 438
elliptical trainer at any time during your workout. Adjusting
your level will allow you to increase or decrease your
intensity level. Use the console to control the resistance.
Overview of the Schwinn® 438 Elliptical Computer
Your Schwinn® 438 elliptical trainer is equipped with a
versatile computer console, which includes:
• Backlit LCD
• LED and scrolling alpha-numeric prompts
• 3 speed, air-flow direction adjustable fan
• Magazine rack
• Four user settings
• Quick Start
• One manual program
• Ten profile programs
• Three heart rate control programs
• Four user settings
• Eight custom user-defined programs (two for each of the
four user settings)
• Time trial program
• Fitness test
• Calorie goal
• BMI (Body Mass Index)
• Recovery mode
• Results mode
• Fitness summary
• Switchable English/metric capability
• Auto shut-off
This computer provides you with important information about
your workout as well as controls the resistance levels. The
following sections describe how to utilize the many functions
this computer provides. Keep this manual accessible for future
reference, as you will want to experiment with the various
functions while you become familiar with your Schwinn® 438
elliptical trainer.
Computer Console Design
Before we discuss using the specific functions of the computer,
let’s get familiar with the display, the different features, and
various buttons located on the console.
LCD Display
The large LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) screen located in the
center of the console is your information center. This display
is divided into sections that provide information about your
workout and any preset information you may have input into
the computer.
The display provides a large main window that indicates the:
• PROGRAM selection and
The smaller windows across the bottom show:
The next larger window on the right side of the display shows:
• ENGLISH or METRIC operating mode, and
• the motion indicator relative to your SPEED.
The icon also indicates that the program is running. The large
main area of the display shows the program profile you are
using. Within this profile are “bricks,” or rectangles, that are
stacked vertically and indicate the relative resistance level and
course profile. The computer is capable of offering 16 different
levels of resistance. One “brick” represents the lowest level,
and eight “bricks” represent the highest level. You can view
your exercise level by referencing the level numbers displayed
on the left and right side of the “brick” display. Levels 1, 3, 5,
7, 9, 11, 13, and 15 display on the left side and levels 2, 4, 6,
8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 display on the right. The highest value
displayed is the resistance level at which you are working out.
In addition, you will notice there are 12 columns of these
“bricks” lined up horizontally across the bottom of the display
center. Each profile program is 50 columns or “intervals” long,
so each of these columns or “intervals” represents one-fiftieth
of your workout time. For example, if you enter a workout
time of 25 minutes, each column or “interval” time will last
a duration of 30 seconds. Since the display shows the first 12
columns of your workout program as you progress through
the workout, the program will scroll to the left. The flashing
“bricks” on the left-most column let you know where you
are in your workout, and other columns to the right show the
upcoming course profile.
The manual, heart rate control, custom, and time trial
programs will display in the 12-interval columns, as viewed
on the LCD screen, and do not scroll as you advance through
the workout.
Alphanumeric Display
Within the LCD display the computer features a “message
center” that prompts you to input specific data and values
to make the elliptical trainer easy to operate and gets you to
your workout quickly.
Using the Schwinn® 438 Computer
LCD Display Descriptions
Displays the workout time. The
time will count down from the
time you entered when beginning
the program and shows the time
remaining for your workout. The
time starts to count up once it
reaches zero.
Displays the interval time. The
interval time will count down,
showing the time remaining before
the program moves to the next
Displays the current pedal
revolutions per minute (rpm).
Displays the current power you
are producing at a given resistance
level. A watt is a measure of
workload similar to horsepower
(in fact, one horsepower is equal to
746 watts).
Displays the estimated distance
traveled (miles or kilometers).
Displays your current heart rate
beats per minute (bpm). You must
grip each heart rate contact sensor
pod to enable the computer to
detect your heart rate.
Displays the estimated speed (miles
or kilometers per hour).
Displays the estimated calories you
have burned during the exercise.
Console Buttons and Button Functions
START/PAUSE Used to start and pause the
workout. When in a program,
pressing this button will pause the
workout. Press this button again to
restart the clock and the program
where you left off.
Used to change resistance level or
to adjust values such as program
Confirms or enters your selection.
These three buttons enable the user
to alternately view INTERVAL
Pressing RESET in the Program
mode will bring you back to the
Pressing the RESET button down
for 2 seconds will reset the console,
perform the “power-up” step, and
erase all memory information.
When the screen displays “ENTER
PROGRAM,” pressing this button
will start the Manual program. This
is a “one-touch” way of starting the
Manual program.
Press START/PAUSE first, and
then press this button to end the
program and see the summary
results of your workout: TOTAL
you press this button, your workout
will end. You cannot go back and
resume your workout where you
left off. See START/PAUSE above
for information regarding pausing
and resuming your workout.
Press this button to measure and
obtain your heart rate recovery
score. See the section “Recovery
Test” on page 30.
The console features a fan with
adjustable louvers to direct airflow
to cool you off while working out.
Pressing this button turns the fan on
or off.
Auto Shut-Off (Sleep Mode)
The console will automatically shut off in approximately
two minutes without use or input. There is no on/off switch.
Information Mode
The computer enables you to switch between English or
metric units by pressing and holding the UP and DOWN
buttons simultaneously for three seconds. Use the UP or
DOWN button to select ENGLISH or METRIC, and
press ENTER to confirm. The computer will enter the
Information mode. By following the displayed menu and
prompts in the Information mode, you will be able to:
Select ENGLISH measurement units, which sets the
computer for:
• Miles
• Miles/hour
• Pounds
• Inches
Or select METRIC measurement units, which sets the
computer for:
• Kilometers
• Kilometers/hour
• Kilograms
• Centimeters
Press ENTER, which will display the software version.
Press ENTER again to exit the Information mode, and the
computer will bring you to the “ENTER PROGRAM”
Grip Heart Rate
This Schwinn® elliptical trainer is equipped with grip heart
rate sensors located on the handlebars. You must contact
these sensors with both hands so that the computer can
detect your pulse. The computer uses information detected
by the grip heart rate sensors for many of the software
features. Make sure you are griping the pods, and look
for the flashing “heart” icon and pulse rate located on the
lower right portion of the LCD display (to the left of the
motion indicator), indicating that a pulse signal is being
received. This is extremely important for the Heart Rate
Control and Fitness Test programs. The computer must
receive a steady, consistent signal for the duration of these
programs to operate correctly. If there is no display, please
see “IMPORTANT Things You Should Know Before
Exercising” on page 32 for more information.
Software Features
Quick Start
This is a “one-touch” way of starting the Manual program.
Manual Mode
You manually adjust the resistance level during your
workout to make the program easier or more challenging.
Ten Profile Programs
The computer offers a variety of fun and exciting profile
programs to keep you motivated and on track to achieving
your fitness goals:
• Profile Program 1 Ride in the Park
• Profile Program 2 Rolling Hills
• Profile Program 3 Plateau
• Profile Program 4 Speed Intervals
• Profile Program 5 Strength Intervals
• Profile Program 6 Pyramid Intervals
• Profile Program 7 Ramp Interval 1
• Profile Program 8 Ramp Interval 2
• Profile Program 9 Pikes Peak
• Profile Program 10 Cross-Training
Three Heart Rate Control (H.R.C.) Programs
These programs enable you to workout in three different
heart rate zones: 60% to 70% of maximum heart rate,
70% to 80% of maximum heart rate, and 80% to 90% of
maximum heart rate. The zones are calculated based upon
your age and the percent of maximum heart rate you select
to exercise in.
Please note: You must either use the chest strap or grip the
heart rate sensor pods located on the handlebars in order
for the computer to read your pulse and for the Heart Rate
Control programs to work effectively.
60%–70% of maximum heart rate—General Fitness Zone—
Fat Burning Exercise within this zone improves general
fitness, begins to develop endurance, and contributes greatly
to weight control and management by utilizing mostly fat
calories for energy.
70%–80% of maximum heart rate—Aerobic Workout
Zone—Endurance Training Exercise within this zone
increases overall fitness, improves cardiovascular efficiency
and endurance.
80%–90% of maximum heart rate—Anaerobic Workout
Zone—Performance Training Exercise within this zone
maximizes fitness and athletic performance. Important: We
strongly recommend you consult with your physician before
exercising in this zone.
Four User Settings
Each user setting allows the you to set up and store into the
computer memory your name, weight, height, age, and sex.
Each user setting allows for two different workout profiles,
which you can customize.
Time Trial
This program enables you to workout against a “pacer” to
determine how long it takes you to cover a preset distance.
You preset the speed of the “pacer” as the baseline of your
workout, and race to the end of the preset distance. At the
end of the Time Trial, the computer displays the watts,
distance, and speed you achieved.
Fitness Test
The Fitness Test is one of the best ways to measure
improvements in your physical fitness level. The test
measures your fitness by comparing your power output (in
watts) to your heart rate. In general, as you become “more
fit,” you will produce more power (watts) at a given heart
rate. As the test starts, the power (watts) slowly increases.
This means you will work harder and, as a result, your heart
rate increases. The watts continue to increase automatically
until your heart rate reaches the “test zone.” This zone
is individually computed to be near 75 percent of your
maximum heart rate. When you reach the “test zone” the
elliptical holds the watts steady for three minutes. This
is to allow you to reach a steady state (where your heart
rate has become basically steady). At the end of the three
minutes, the computer measures your heart rate, and the
power (watts). These numbers, along with information about
your age and weight, are put into a formula and produce a
“Fitness Score.”
Note: The Fitness Test is an excellent way to measure
changes in your own fitness level. It is not designed to be
used to compare one person’s score to another person’s
score. This is because the test protocol only estimates your
“Maximum Heart Rate.”
Calorie Goal
The Calorie Goal feature lets you select an amount of
calories you would like to burn during your workout.
When selecting CALORIE GOAL, use the UP or DOWN
buttons to select the amount of calories you wish to burn
from 10–990. Each increment will change the calories by
ten. Confirm your selected value by pressing the ENTER
The console will prompt you to choose a profile program.
Use the UP or DOWN buttons to select a profile program,
and press the ENTER button to confirm your selection.
During the program, the calorie display will count down
from the number of calories you entered to zero.
Body Mass Index (BMI) Measurement
BMI is a useful tool that shows the relationship between
weight and height associated with body fat and health risk.
The table below gives a general rating and BMI score1:
Below 18.5
30.0 and above
There are limitations, however. It may overestimate body
fat in athletes and others who have a muscular build. It may
also underestimate body fat in older persons and others who
have lost muscle mass.
1. SOURCE: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, GA. The CDC is an agency of the federal Department of
Health and Human Services.
When choosing the BMI program you will be prompted
to enter your height and weight, and the computer will
calculate and display your Body Mass Index. The console
will display “IDEAL BMI RANGE.” The ideal or normal
range is 18.5–24.9. The console will also display your ideal
weight range for your height.
Recovery Test
Recovery Test shows how quickly your heart recovers from
an exercise state to a more restful state. Improved recovery
is an indicator of increasing fitness. For the console to
perform the Recovery Test, two things must happen. You
must press the RECOVERY button, and the console must
be displaying your heart rate. When both of these situations
occur, then the console will perform the Recovery Test.
The console will show “01:00 STOP,” and the time will
begin to count down. Stop exercising but continue to grip
the heart rate sensors. After five seconds, the display will
show “00:55 RELAX” and continue to count down to
For the entire minute, the console will also show your heart
rate. You must grip the heart rate sensors for the duration of
the test. The display will continue to show “RELAX” and
your heart rate until the clock counts down to 00:00. The
console will then calculate your recovery score.
Recovery Score = Your heart rate at 1:00 (the beginning of
the test) minus your heart rate at 00:00 (the end of the test).
The display will show “SCORE (RECOVERY SCORE).”
This will remain on the display for five seconds, then you
can press RESULTS to view a summary of your workout
and end the program, or press START to resume working
out where you left off.
The higher the Recovery Test Score value, the quicker
your heart rate is returning to a more restful state, and is an
indication of improving fitness. By recording these values
over time you can see the trend toward better health!
When you press the RECOVERY button and there is no
heart rate signal or display, the console will show “NEED
HR,” and the HEART RATE icon on the display will blink.
This message will show for five seconds, then the program
will resume. You must see your heart rate on the display,
and then you must push the RECOVERY button again to
perform the test.
Helpful Tip: For a more relevant score, try to obtain a
steady heart rate for three minutes before pressing the
RECOVERY button. This will be easier to achieve and
obtain for best results in the Quick Start or Manual program
so that you can control level of resistance.
Please note: The RECOVERY button does not function
when you are in the BMI program.
Results Mode
When you complete a program, the Results mode will
automatically display and show your basic workout
statistics. Manually pressing the RESULTS button during
your workout will also end the program and display your
basic workout statistics. You cannot return to your workout
after pressing the RESULTS button.
To have the option of either ending your workout and seeing
your workout results or pausing your workout so you can
return to where you left off, perform the following steps:
To STOP or PAUSE the program:
Press the START/PAUSE button to pause your
workout. The display will show “PRESS RESULT
Press the RESULTS button to have the computer
show your workout results and end the program, or
press START/PAUSE to resume the program where
you left off.
In Results mode, the console will display:
“GREAT JOB”—This will hold for approximately three
“YOUR RESULTS”—This will hold for approximately
three seconds.
The display will show the following workout results:
Displays your average speed.
Displays your total time.
Displays the total distance traveled.
Displays total calories burned.
Displays the average watts.
Displays your average heart rate.
Pressing the RESET button will bring you back to
“ENTER PROGRAM.” After 60 seconds, the console will
automatically return to “ENTER PROGRAM.”
IMPORTANT Things You Should Know Before
The values calculated or measured by the computer are for
exercise reference purposes only, NOT FOR MEDICAL
Pulse rate—The pulse rate will display after the system has
detected four stable pulse signals. Pulse rate is then updated
after receiving every two signals.
Please note: If your heart rate goes above 199, the “1” will
flash. So a heart rate of 224 will be displayed as “124”, and
the “1” will be flashing.
Pulse rate readout—While the grip heart rate feature is a
quick and convenient way to check your heart rate, it is
generally not as accurate as a wireless transmitter belt and is
subject to occasional misreadings and interference. You may
from time to time find inconsistencies with the heart rate
display on your display console.
There are many external factors that can affect the heart rate
display. Some factors that influence the reliability of the
heart rate signal include:
■ the environment where the equipment is used,
■ the physiology of the users themselves, and
■ Electro-Magnetic Interference (EMI) produced by such
items as televisions, computers, microwave ovens,
cellular and cordless telephones, and fluorescent lights.
By moving the product away from such items, you may be
able to avoid many heart rate display problems.
Resistance control—You can control the resistance of
your elliptical trainer by using the UP or DOWN buttons.
You increase the resistance by pressing the UP button or
decrease the resistance by pressing the DOWN button. You
will notice a slight lag in time while the electronic brake
adjusts to your input, so make sure to allow for this and
don’t over-compensate.
Sleep mode—The console will enter Sleep mode, and the
system will turn off automatically if there is no input for
approximately two minutes. Press any button to return
the computer to its pre-“sleep” state, or press and hold the
RESET button for two seconds to clear the computer.
Console Operation—Quick Start
Quick Start
Press QUICK START to take you immediately to the
Manual program. “RESISTANCE LEVEL” will be at
level 1. Time will start from 00:00 and count up.
Changing Levels
You can increase or decrease the resistance level by pressing
the UP or DOWN buttons at any time.
Stop or Pause the Program
Press the START/PAUSE button to pause your workout.
The display will show “PRESS RESULT OR PRESS
START.” If you press the RESULTS button, the computer
will show your workout results and end the program. If
you press START/PAUSE, the computer will resume the
program where you left off.
Console Operation—Manual Program
Select Program
Press any button to power up the console; “ENTER
PROGRAM” appears in the alphanumeric display.
To access the Manual program, scroll through the
display using the UP or DOWN buttons until you
reach “MANUAL,” and press ENTER.
Enter Level
At the “ENTER LEVEL” screen, select the desired
resistance level by pressing the UP or DOWN
buttons to select a level from 1 to 16.
Confirm your selection by pressing ENTER. The
default resistance level will be the last level you
entered (previous workout).
Enter Time
When the “ENTER TIME” screen appears, select
the desired time by pressing the UP or DOWN
buttons. The default time will be the last time you
entered (previous workout). The minimum time you
can enter is two minutes.
Confirm your selection by pressing ENTER.
Enter Weight
At the “ENTRWEIGHT...” screen, select the
appropriate weight in pounds or kilograms by
pressing the UP or DOWN buttons.
Press ENTER to confirm your selection.
Press START when the “PRESS START” screen appears.
“MANUAL” will display, confirming you are about to start
the Manual program. You can now begin exercising.
Changing Levels
You can increase or decrease the resistance level by pressing
the UP or DOWN buttons at any time.
Stop or Pause the Program
Press the START/PAUSE button to stop or pause
your workout. The display will show “PRESS
To stop the program, press the RESULTS button; the
computer will show your workout results and end the
To pause the program, press START/PAUSE; the
computer will resume the program where you left off.
Console Operation—Selecting a Profile Program
Select Program
Press any button to power up the console; “ENTER
PROGRAM” appears in the alphanumeric display.
To access the profile programs, scroll through the
display by using the UP or DOWN buttons until you
reach “PROGRAMS.”
Press ENTER; the program profile and name will
appear in the display.
Press the UP or DOWN buttons to select your
desired program.
Press ENTER to confirm your selection.
Enter Level
When the “ENTER LEVEL” appears on the display,
scroll to the desired resistance level by pressing the
UP or DOWN buttons to select a level from 1 to 16.
Confirm you selection by pressing ENTER. The
default resistance level will be the last level you
entered (previous workout).
Enter Time
At the “ENTER TIME” screen, select the desired
time by pressing the UP or DOWN buttons. The
default time will be the last time you entered
(previous workout). The minimum time you can enter
is two minutes.
Press ENTER to confirm your selection.
Enter Weight
At the “ENTRWEIGHT...” screen, select the
appropriate weight in pounds or kilograms by
pressing the UP or DOWN buttons.
Press ENTER to confirm your selection.
Press START when the “PRESS START” screen appears.
The preset program you selected will display to confirm
your selection. You can now begin exercising.
Stop or Pause the Program
Press the START/PAUSE button to stop or pause
your workout. The display will show “PRESS
To stop the program, press the RESULTS button; the
computer will show your workout results and end the
To pause the program, press START/PAUSE; the
computer will resume the program where you left off.
Console Operation—HRC (Heart Rate Control)
Please note: You must either use the wireless chest strap or
grip the heart rate sensor pods located on the handlebars for
the computer to read your pulse and for the heart rate control
programs to work effectively.
Based on your age, the elliptical trainer will calculate a
maximum heart rate and the heart rate zones described below.
These rates are based on average fitness for persons your age.
You may be more or less fit, and your actual maximum heart
rate and zones may be correspondingly higher or lower. You
should therefore consult your physician for the maximum
heart rate that is right for you and the heart rate zones in which
you can safely exercise.
Select Program
Press any button to power up the console; “ENTER
PROGRAM” appears in the alphanumeric display.
To access the Heart Rate Control programs, scroll
through the display by pressing the UP or DOWN
buttons until you reach “HRC,” and then press
Enter Age
When the “ENTER AGE” appears on the display,
select your age by pressing the UP or DOWN
Confirm your selection by pressing ENTER.
Enter Heart Rate Zone
At the “ENTER HEART RATE ZONE” screen,
press the UP or DOWN buttons to scroll through the
heart rate zones:
• HRC 60–70 (Select this zone for fat burning.)
Exercise within this zone improves general fitness,
begins to develop endurance, and contributes
greatly to weight control and management by
utilizing mostly fat calories for energy.
• HRC 70–80 (Select this zone for an aerobic
Exercise within this zone increases overall fitness,
improves cardiovascular efficiency, and endurance.
• HRC 80–90 (Select this zone for an anaerobic
Exercise within this zone maximizes fitness and
athletic performance.
Each zone will flash three times, followed by the
heart beats per minute (bpm) associated with that
zone. These will also flash three times.
Select the appropriate zone by pressing the UP or
DOWN buttons.
Press ENTER to confirm your selection.
Enter Time
When “ENTER TIME” appears on the display,
select the desired time by pressing the UP or DOWN
buttons. The minimum time you can enter is 12
Press ENTER to confirm your selection.
Enter Weight
At the “ENTRWEIGHT...” screen, select the
appropriate weight in pounds or kilograms by
pressing the UP or DOWN buttons.
Press ENTER to confirm your selection.
Press START when the “PRESS START” screen appears;
“HRC” will display, confirming your selection. You can now
begin exercising.
Changing Levels
You can only increase or decrease the resistance level by
pressing the UP or DOWN buttons when in the first interval
column, which is the warm-up column. This enables you to
set your starting warm-up level. A longer warm-up at lower
resistance can burn more calories than a shorter warm-up at
higher resistance. After the program exits the first interval
warm-up column, the UP and DOWN buttons become
inoperative, and the program automatically adjusts the
resistance to bring you into your selected zone.
The program is designed to slowly bring you up to your
selected heart rate workout zone, hold you within that zone
by reading your heart rate, and adjust the level of resistance
to keep your workout within that zone. The program then
slowly brings you down into a cool-down zone at the end of
the program by reducing the resistance level in the last two
As a precaution, if your heart rate is above your selected
heart rate zone and the resistance level is at the minimum
level for 30 seconds, the message “SLOW DOWN” will
appear in the alphanumeric display. If after one more minute
your heart rate is still above your selected heart rate zone,
the message “STOP” will display and the program will end.
Stop or Pause the Program
Press the START/PAUSE button to stop or pause
your workout. The display will show “PRESS
To stop the program, press the RESULTS button; the
computer will show your workout results and end the
To pause the program, press START/PAUSE; the
computer will resume the program where you left off.
Console Operation—Custom 01 and Custom 02
Select Program
Press any button to power up the console; “ENTER
PROGRAM” appears in the alphanumeric display.
To access the Custom 01 and Custom 02 programs,
scroll through the display by pressing the UP
or DOWN buttons until you reach “CUSTOM
Press ENTER; “CUSTOM 01” will flash.
Press the UP or DOWN buttons to alternate between
the two programs.
Press ENTER to confirm your selection.
Enter Time
When “ENTER TIME” appears on the display,
select the desired time by pressing the UP or DOWN
buttons. The default time will be the last time you
entered (previous workout). The minimum time you
can enter is two minutes.
Press ENTER to confirm your selection.
Enter Weight
At the “ENTRWEIGHT...” screen, select the
appropriate weight in pounds or kilograms by
pressing the UP or DOWN buttons.
Press ENTER to confirm your selection.
Press START when the “PRESS START” screen appears.
Depending on your choice when entering “CUSTOM
PROGS,” “CUSTOM 01” or “CUSTOM 02” will display,
confirming your selection. You can now begin exercising,
set up, or change your custom program.
Set Up a Custom Program
You can set up your Custom program profile in each interval
as you exercise. The flashing “bricks” indicate your position
and interval location within the program.
Press the UP or DOWN buttons to select your desired
resistance level as the program progresses through each
interval. The console will store this profile in memory,
which can then be accessed the next time you want to
exercise within this Custom program.
Change an Existing Program
Press the UP or DOWN buttons as you exercise in each
interval to override your old custom program. The console
will automatically store this new profile in memory and will
then be the new default Custom program.
Stop or Pause the Program
Press the START/PAUSE button to stop or pause
your workout. The display will show “PRESS
To stop the program, press the RESULTS button; the
computer will show your workout results and end the
To pause the program, press START/PAUSE; the
computer will resume the program where you left off.
Console Operation—T. T. Program (Time Trial)
Select Program
Press any button to power up the console; “ENTER
PROGRAM” appears in the alphanumeric display.
To access the Time Trial program, scroll through
the display by pressing the UP or DOWN buttons
until you reach “T.T.PROGRAM,” and then press
Enter Distance
When “ENTER DIST” appears on screen, select
the desired distance by pressing the UP or DOWN
Press ENTER to confirm your selection. You can
select the desired distance in one-tenth-of-a-mile or
kilometer increments.
Enter Pacer Speed
At the “PACER SPEED” screen, select the desired
pacer speed by pressing the UP or DOWN buttons.
You can select the desired pacer speed in one-tenth-
of-a-mile or kilometer increments.
Press ENTER to confirm your selection.
Enter Weight
At the “ENTRWEIGHT...” screen, select the
appropriate weight in pounds or kilograms by
pressing the UP or DOWN buttons.
Press ENTER to confirm your selection.
Press START when the “PRESS START” screen appears.
“T.T.PROGRAM” will display, confirming your selection.
You can now begin exercising.
The “pacer” is represented by the top flashing “brick,” and
you are represented by the bottom flashing “brick.”
Change Levels
Increase or decrease the resistance level by pressing the
UP or DOWN buttons at any time. Changing levels in this
program is like changing gears on a bike. To increase or
decrease your speed, press the UP or DOWN buttons.
End of Program
The program ends when you complete your preset distance.
Stop or Pause the Program
Press the START/PAUSE button to stop or pause
your workout. The display will show “PRESS
To stop the program, press the RESULTS button; the
computer will show your workout results and end the
To pause the program, press START/PAUSE; the
computer will resume the program where you left off.
Console Operation—Fitness Test
Please note: You must either use the wireless chest strap or
grip the heart rate sensor pods located on the handlebars for
the computer to read your pulse and for the program to work
Select Program
Press any button to power up the console; “ENTER
PROGRAM” appears in the alphanumeric display.
To access the Fitness Test, scroll through the display
by pressing the UP or DOWN buttons until you
reach “FITNESS TEST,” and then press ENTER.
Enter Age
When the “ENTER AGE” screen appears, select
your age by pressing the UP or DOWN buttons.
Press ENTER to confirm your selection.
Enter Weight
At the “ENTRWEIGHT...” screen, select the
appropriate weight in pounds or kilograms by
pressing the UP or DOWN buttons.
Press ENTER to confirm your selection.
Press START when the “PRESS START” screen appears;
“FITNESS TEST” will display, confirming your selection.
You can now begin exercising.
The program begins at level 1, and it will automatically
adjust to bring you into a pre-determined “test zone” based
upon an estimated maximum heart rate. Once you are in the
“test zone,” the resistance level will remain constant.
The time clock will begin to count down from three
minutes. During the last 30 seconds, the console will
record the average watts, average heart rate, and generate a
“Fitness Score.” It is important to keep your rpm’s steady
for the whole three minutes to maintain a steady heart rate.
The Fitness Test is an excellent way to measure changes
in your own fitness level. It is not designed to be used to
compare one person’s score to another person’s score. This
is because the test protocol only estimates your maximum
heart rate.
Please note: The Fitness Test is a special program that
requires uninterrupted exercise. After the initial fitness test
set-up, certain buttons become inoperative after starting the
program test:
Console Operation—Calorie Goal
The Calorie Goal program enables you to select an amount of
calories you would like to burn and lets you choose a profile
program to achieve that goal. Your exercise is complete when
the calories count down to zero.
Select Program
Press any button to power up the console; “ENTER
PROGRAM” appears in the alphanumeric display.
To access the Calorie Goal program, scroll through
the display by pressing the UP or DOWN buttons
until you reach “CALORIE GOAL,” and then press
Enter Calories
When the “ENTER CALS” screen appears, select
the desired calories to burn by pressing the UP or
DOWN buttons.
Press ENTER to confirm your selection; a profile
program and name will appear in the display.
Press the UP or DOWN buttons to select your
desired profile program.
Press ENTER to confirm your selection.
Enter Level
At the “ENTER LEVEL” screen, select the desired
resistance level from 1 to 16 by pressing the UP or
DOWN buttons. The default resistance level will be
the last level you entered (previous workout).
Press ENTER to confirm your selection.
Enter Weight
At the “ENTRWEIGHT...” screen, select the
appropriate weight in pounds or kilograms by
pressing the UP or DOWN buttons.
Press ENTER to confirm your selection.
Press START when the “PRESS START” screen appears;
“CALORIE GOAL” will display, confirming your
selection. You can now begin exercising.
Time will begin counting up and calories will begin
counting down from your preset calorie goal value until the
display reaches zero. When you have reached your calorie
goal, the computer displays “GREAT JOB,” followed by
“YOUR RESULTS.” The display will show a summary of
your workout:
Total Time
■ Total Distance
■ Average Speed
■ Average Watts
■ Average Pulse
■ Total Calories
Change Levels
You can increase or decrease the resistance level by pressing
the UP or DOWN buttons at any time.
Stop or Pause the Program
Press the START/PAUSE button to stop or pause
your workout. The display will show “PRESS
To stop the program, press the RESULTS button; the
computer will show your workout results and end the
To pause the program, press START/PAUSE; the
computer will resume the program where you left off.
Console Operation—Body Mass Index (BMI)
BMI is a useful tool that shows the relationship between
weight and height associated with body fat and health risk.
Select Program
Press any button to power up the console; “ENTER
PROGRAM” appears in the alphanumeric display.
To access the BMI program, scroll through the
display by pressing the UP or DOWN buttons until
you reach “BMI,” and then press ENTER.
Enter Weight
At the “ENTRWEIGHT...” screen, select the
appropriate weight in pounds or kilograms by
pressing the UP or DOWN buttons.
Press ENTER to confirm your selection.
Enter Height
When the “ENTRHEIGHT” screen appears, select
the appropriate height in inches or centimeters by
pressing the UP or DOWN buttons.
Press ENTER to confirm your selection.
The computer will calculate and display your BMI. Next, ideal
BMI will display: 18.5 to 24.9, followed by your ideal weight.
Please note: The BMI program is a special program that
requires certain specific input, so certain buttons become
inoperative while in the BMI program. The following buttons
only work during the set-up phase of the program and become
inoperative after you start the program:
Using the Chest Strap Transmitter
The Schwinn® 438 elliptical trainer has built-in wireless
heart rate monitoring capability. When you wear the chest
strap transmitter during your workout, the elliptical trainer’s
computer heart rate display will continuously read out your
heart rate in beats per minute. Helpful tip: For the most
effective transmission, wet the back of the chest strap (the side
that goes against your skin) before putting it on.
Moving your Schwinn® 438 Elliptical Trainer
To move the Schwinn® 438 elliptical trainer,
carefully lift the rear end of the machine. Steer
the machine to the desired location. Be gentle
while moving the unit as any sharp impact
directly or indirectly to the computer can affect
computer operation.
Leveling your Schwinn® Elliptical Trainer
Level the elliptical trainer to compensate for
uneven surfaces. To level the Schwinn® 438
elliptical trainer, raise or lower the two leveling
bolts located on the underside of the rear
stabilizer by screwing them in or out as needed.
Maintaining Your Elliptical Trainer
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%,,)04)#!, "%&/2% 3%26)#).' 4()3
3%26)#).' 4(% 5.)4 7)4( 0/7%2
#/..%#4%$ -!9 #!53% %,%#42)#!,
3(/#+3ꢁ %,%#42/#54)/. /2
-%#(!.)#!, ).*529ꢂ
IMPORTANT: To avoid damaging the finish on
your elliptical trainer and computer, never use a
petroleum-based solvent when cleaning. Avoid
getting excessive moisture on the computer.
Before each use, inspect for loose,
broken, damaged, or worn parts. Do
not use your elliptical trainer if found
in this condition; repair or replace.
Weekly: Wipe any dust, dirt, or grime from the
surfaces. Use a damp cloth to wipe
your elliptical trainer and computer
free of sweat.
Monthly: Check all bolts and screws and tighten as necessary.
Keep all the tools supplied with the elliptical trainer to perform future
Call your authorized Schwinn® Fitness products distributor if you have any
questions on the proper use or maintenance of this equipment, or contact Schwinn®
Fitness products Customer Service at 1-800-864-1270.
Fitness Guidelines
by Jay Blahnik
Exercise and Health
It is not a secret that lack of exercise is increasingly becoming a major health
issue. Obesity is on the rise, and being overweight can contribute to an increased
risk in heart attack, diabetes, high blood pressure and other life threatening
Most people do not get enough activity during the day to make up for the time
they spend at their desks, driving their cars or sitting in front of their televisions.
We have learned that exercising is not simply something we must do to look
good and have a great body. Exercise is a requirement for health, and overall
wellness, not to mention it can help you feel great!
The good news is that we are seeing more and more research that indicates
we don’t have to work out intensely to see the benefits. Sure, it is great if you
can workout for thirty to forty minutes at a time, five days a week. But it is not
essential. Shorter bouts of exercise can have a great effect (especially if you are
just starting out), and a little bit of exercise at a time is much better than none at
And what is really exciting is that research indicates that whether you are young
or old, people who workout at light to moderate intensities may have an easier
time sticking to their exercise programs than those people who work out harder
and more often.
So, you do not need to be an athlete or a fitness ”die-hard” to benefit from
exercise… you just need to get started, work out at levels that are comfortable
and enjoyable to you and stick with it!
Your New Home Fitness Program
There are many great reasons why home exercise equipment has increased in
popularity over the years, but topping the list is convenience. For any fitness
program to be successful, it must be something you will stick to on a regular
basis. With home exercise equipment, you can roll out of bed, put on a pair
of sweats and start working out while the coffee is brewing. No getting in the
car and having to drive to the health club. No standing in line waiting for the
equipment to become available.
And there is the comfort and safety factor. Who wants to walk or run outside
when it is dark or is raining? Or try to ride a bike in the middle of heavy traffic?
With your home exercise equipment, you can exercise in the comfort and
security of your air-conditioned home.
Privacy and cleanliness are also important. Now you can exercise without
feeling rushed or that anyone is looking at you (which is great if you are
embarrassed about carrying around a few extra pounds). No more sharing
sweaty equipment, or wondering if you will catch athlete’s foot in the health
club shower.
The biggest advantage, however, may simply be the time factor. With work
schedules ever-changing and busy family obligations, a home gym offers
the benefit of being able to work out when it is most convenient for you. No
classes to time your schedule around, or peak times to avoid. This is especially
convenient if you have children at home.
It couldn’t be easier!
Steps To Getting Started
Once you have made the commitment to start exercising at home, here are some
suggestions that may help you stay motivated.
The First Step Is the Most Difficult
Any new habit is difficult to establish at first, but it can be done. Be patient, and
plan to start slow and easy. Less is more when you are first starting out … don’t
overdo it!
Get a Physical Exam
If you have been inactive for several years or new to an exercise program,
be sure to consult with your doctor before beginning any exercise program.
Especially if you are over 30, have health problems or have a history of heart
disease in your family.
Plan for Your Home Fitness Center
Set aside an area or a room in your house or apartment that is exclusively for
fitness, and make sure that it is as comfortable as possible, so you’ll enjoy using
it. If you like music, watching television or looking outside while exercising,
make sure these things are accessible. Remember, if you don’t enjoy the space
you are exercising in, you won’t be motivated to continue your program.
Find an exercise buddy.
Research has shown that starting an exercise program with someone can
increase your chances of sticking to it. If you have a buddy that is also starting a
program, you can encourage, motivate and challenge each other.
Make fitness a part of your schedule.
Include it in your daily planner just as you would any other appointment. Plan
ahead for the week so that you can be sure to fit it in. Even if you are pressed for
time one day, a little exercise is better than none at all. Do what you can to fit it
in, even if you have less time than you hoped for.
Use Positive Affirmations
Affirmations will help you program your subconscious to accept new beliefs.
Saying to yourself a couple of times a day, “I am living a healthier lifestyle by
exercising several times per week at home,” can help you stay on track.
Set Goals
Setting goals can be helpful in keeping you motivated, but remember to keep
them realistic. Short-term and long-term goals can make this easier. How many
days do you want to exercise this week? How many workouts would you like to
have done in ninety days or a year?
Components of Fitness
Over the past 25 years, many people have focused on walking, running, cycling,
swimming and other types of aerobic activity as their only means of exercise.
However, we have learned that two other components of fitness are just as
important. These other two components are muscle strength and flexibility. So in
addition to having a strong heart and lungs, we also need to be able to pick up a
full bag of groceries and tie our shoes without having to sit down.
When developing your home fitness program, it is only appropriate that you
develop all three components in order to achieve balanced overall fitness. Let’s
take a look at all three components:
Cardiovascular Fitness
Training the heart and lungs to be stronger and deliver more oxygen throughout
your body with less effort. It can help reduce the risk of heart disease, and help
you manage your weight. It is the cornerstone of fitness, and can be achieved in
many ways such as walking or running on the treadmill or outdoors, climbing
stairs, cycling, or using a StairMaster® stepper or swimming in the pool or
For many years, it was suggested that moderate level cardiovascular activity
(activities that make you sweat and breathe and a moderate pace) should be done
three to four days a week for 15–45 minutes at a time. It is now recommended
that you attempt to do some cardiovascular activity EVERY day, if possible.
The good news is that the cardiovascular activity does not need to be moderately
intensive everyday, nor does it need to be sustained for 15–45 minutes at a time.
So while it is ideal to challenge your heart and lungs by doing something like
a strong power walk every other day for 15–45 minutes, it is more important to
make sure you do at least a little bit of cardiovascular activity every day, even if
you don’t do it for very long or very intensely.
For example, you might try using your Schwinn® exercise bicycle for a
scheduled, moderate level workout for 20–30 minutes on Monday, Wednesday,
Friday and Sunday (see the intensity monitoring section for further details on
how hard to workout). On the other days, you might try going for a leisurely
stroll 10 minutes in the morning and in the evening (or whenever you can fit it
Whatever you do, just make sure you get your body moving, and your heart and
lungs pumping for some period of time every day.
Muscular strength
Training your muscles to remain strong using resistance such as dumbbells,
elastic tubing or your body weight. In the past decade, we have learned that
building or maintaining muscular strength is extremely important for a balanced
fitness program. And it is especially important as we get older.
We have learned through a variety of studies that those individuals who just
train aerobically (without strength training) do maintain their cardiovascular
endurance over the years, but they generally lose lean muscle mass as they
get older. However, those individuals who combine strength training and
cardiovascular training can maintain their lean body mass as they get older.
What this means is that if you just do cardiovascular activity, your body will
naturally lose muscle mass as you get older, and that means that you will
actually get “fatter” as you age, unless you incorporate strength training.
We have also learned that consistent strength training helps maintain bone
and muscle mass as we get older. For women, strength training (along with
cardiovascular training) may also protect against post-menopausal bone loss and
osteoporosis in their later years.
And strength training is not complicated. It is recommended that you do 8–12
repetitions of 8–10 major muscle groups at least two days a week. However, you
don’t have to do all these exercises at once. You can break them up into shorter
workouts throughout the day. For example, you can do just upper body exercises
in the morning, and your lower body exercises in the evening. Or, you can
alternate strength exercises with cardiovascular exercise (often known as circuit
training) by switching back and forth every couple of minutes.
The best part is you don’t need complicated equipment or fancy machines. You
can do everything you need to do with a simple pair of dumbbells, or you can try
the new Nautilus’® SelectTech™ dumbbells, which provide you a wide variety
of weight options in a revolutionary all-in-one dumbbell. You can use elastic
tubing, or simply do body weight exercises such as push-ups or lunges.
Being able to bend, reach, twist and turn with comfort and ease as we perform
daily tasks, play or exercise. It is perhaps the most ignored component of fitness,
but certainly the easiest one to incorporate into our daily lives because it can be
done anywhere and almost at any time.
To maintain your flexibility, you simply need to stretch. This could be as simple
as reaching for your toes, or reaching overhead when you wake up in the
morning. Or maybe you enjoy it so much that you would be interested in trying
the Nautilus® yoga workout video. You can even incorporate stretching into your
strength training workouts by stretching the muscles you have used immediately
after you have completed your exercise set.
Like cardiovascular training, it is recommended that you stretch every day.
However, you do not need to create a formalized program. You can simply make
sure that you stretch your major muscle groups throughout the day. Make sure
you include your thighs, calves, hamstrings, back, chest, neck and shoulders.
Do what feels good, but also remember to mix it up. Don’t just do traditional
“reach and hold” stretches. Also, try gently moving through a range of motion
that is comfortable to you. For example, you don’t have to stretch your neck
simply by pulling on your head with your hand. You can also just rotate the neck
slowly around and look side to side.
Of course, every good health and fitness program will also include a good nutrition
component. Good nutrition is likely the most important factor in maintaining ideal
body weight and managing weight loss.
There are a variety of schools of thought regarding which nutrition program, diet
or eating plan is best. While we do not promote or endorse any particular one, here
are some things to consider that will help you get on the road to a healthy diet:
Understand Caloric Balance
How many calories you intake, and how many calories you burn off will
determine whether you will gain or lose weight day to day. It is impossible to
achieve weight loss without some sort of “caloric deficit” that can be obtained
through cutting calories, or burning off more than you take in. The wisest
approach is to do a little of both—cutting calories and exercising. It is the only
proven long-term weight management program that is successful. You should
ensure that you are consuming at least 1,200 calories per day total. A total
weight loss of no more than two pounds per week is recommended for long-term
weight management.
Eat a Variety of Foods
Regardless of your eating plan, you should be sure to include a variety of foods
in your diet, maximizing your intake of fruits and vegetables whenever possible.
Colorful meals and snacks that are divided amongst the four food groups will
ensure that you obtain the nutrients needed for your body to function at optimal
levels. Any diet that focuses on just one food group source or processed foods
can be unhealthy in the long run, and should be avoided. Don’t focus too much
on any particular meal or snack, but rather on your overall intake of a variety of
different foods during any given day.
Drink Water
Our bodies are made up of over 70 percent water, and most of us don’t drink
enough. Carry water with you everywhere you go, and drink as often as you can.
This helps the body function at optimum levels, and can significantly help with
weight management.
Eat More Often and Be Mindful of Your Portions
Research has shown that it can be helpful to eat smaller meals more often
versus three larger meals a day if you are looking to promote healthy weight
maintenance or weight loss. And we have discovered that many portions we eat
are much larger than necessary, and can be laden with calories. So, try snacking
more and not eating so many large meals, and share your snacks or food with
others (or break your portions in half) to help manage your caloric intake.
Monitoring Your Intensity
When you are doing cardiovascular workouts, it is important that you work at the
appropriate intensities when you are first starting out. It is also important that you
workout at a variety of intensities after you have built a fitness base.
Research in recent years has indicated that one of the best ways to monitor your
cardiovascular intensity is to pay close attention to how you are feeling when
you workout. Most individuals can do a very good job of choosing the correct
intensities if they simply categorize how they feel into one of four intensity
These zones could be described the following ways:
Challenging, but comfortable
Steady endurance pace
Challenging, and slightly uncomfortable
Race pace
Borderline out of breath
Not maximum, but winded
Can’t keep the pace for very long
When you are first starting out, you should exclusively work in the Zone 1 and
Zone 2 intensities. After a few weeks, you can occasionally incorporate Zone 3
and Zone 4 intensities for short periods of time. Remember, when you begin to
incorporate Zone 3 and Zone 4 intensities, you will find that you will likely have to
drop down to Zone 1 intensities shortly thereafter as brief recovery periods.
For variety, you can spend a little bit of time in each of the four Zones during one
workout, and then spend your time in just one Zone during the next workout.
Prenatal woman should always remain at Zone 1 and Zone 2 intensities, and
anyone unaware of their current medical condition should also avoid Zone 3 and
Zone 4 without prior clearance from their doctor.
These Zones can be translated into target heart rate numbers if your home fitness
product has a grip or telemetric heart rate counter. Research has shown the best
way to do this is not to establish heart rate numbers based upon age, but rather
based upon how you feel.
The following chart will allow you to log your heart rate numbers based upon how
you feel when working out. Simply log the heart rate numbers you find when you
feel you are working at each of the specific intensities.
A. Zone Description
Your Heart Rate
Percentage of
Maximum Heart
Insert the heart rate
you get when you are
working in Zone 1
Challenging, but
Steady endurance pace working in Zone 2
Insert the heart rate
you get when you are
Challenging and
Race pace
Insert the heart rate
you get when you are
working in Zone 3
Not maximum, but
Insert the heart rate
you get when you are
working in Zone 4
Can’t keep the pace for
very long
As you get in better shape, the heart rate number you obtain for each zone will get
higher and higher, which means your heart is able to handle higher intensities. Or
you may find that your numbers don’t change, but you are able to stay in Zone 3
and Zone 4 longer than you used to.
Don’t get too attached to any specific number or target heart rate. If you train
properly, you will notice numbers that used to be difficult have now become easier.
You will also notice that if you are sick or over-tired, you may find that numbers
that usually feel fairly easy are one day much harder, and it is a good sign to take
a break. If you notice that numbers that are usually very challenging are one day
fairly easy, then it is a good time to push yourself.
Listening to your body, and using your heart rate numbers (when available) will
enable you to keep track of your intensity and see your progress as you train.
Beating the Dropout Odds
The Surgeon General’s Report on Physical Activity and Health summarizes a few
main points:
1. Regular physical activity offers substantial improvements in health and
well-being for a majority of Americans.
2. If you exercise regularly, you’ll reduce your risk of heart attack, cancer,
diabetes, high blood pressure, osteoporosis and even the common cold.
3. Regular exercise, regardless of the intensity, can help you control stress,
sleep problems and depression.
The benefits of exercise and activity are AMAZING! And yet, only 22 percent of
Americans engage in exercise for 20 minutes a day. And even among individuals
who begin exercise programs, the dropout rate is about 50 percent.
So, how do you beat these odds? The answer appears to be in how your start and
maintain your exercise program as well as how you create a habit of exercise.
Why are you starting an exercise program? For most individuals, it is to lose
weight and look better, which are great reasons. However, since changes in your
body shape and size can be gradual, and won’t happen overnight, it is important to
focus on other benefits so that you will remain motivated.
Thrive on the energy that exercise gives you. Watch your health risks scores go
down. Pay attention to how much easier everyday activity is. Notice how much
better you are sleeping. These kind of additional benefits will continue to keep you
motivated if you make them just as important to you as weight loss.
Additionally, try not to view exercise as punishment. Look at it as an investment
in your health. If you don’t feel motivated to workout one day, think of something
that is appealing to you that is active, and change your workout. Try not to let your
workout become routine or mundane, and always remember that some exercise is
better than none at all. So, if you feel you are not motivated to continue, stop your
workout early, or skip a day. It just might be the thing you need to get you excited
about your next workout.
Possibly the most important thing is to keep progressing your exercise program
slowly. Big increases in time or intensity can set you up for injury, and cause you
to drop out. Unless you are a world-class athlete, there is no reason to workout at
world-class levels. Remember to give yourself some days off and get proper rest.
Finally, try to anticipate lapses. If you are traveling, or your schedule is becoming
busier, and you are fearful you may get off track, try planning ahead. For example,
book a hotel that has a workout facility or change up your workout so that you
keep your interest high and your boredom low. The bottom line is you must be
creative and innovative to keep up your fitness program. With some imagination
and planning, it is easy to do.
Exercise is one of life’s joys. It energizes you, helps you look and feel better and
puts you on the road to better health. Your home fitness equipment and gym is
worth its weight in gold. Congratulations on making the choice to get started!
Suggested reading:
The Complete Home Fitness Handbook by Edmund Burke, Human Kinetics
Full Body Flexibility by Jay Blahnik, Human Kinetics Publisher.
Building Strength and Stamina by Wayne Wescott, PhD, Human Kinetics
Cross-Training for Dummies by Tony Ryan and Martica Heaner, For Dummies
Schwinn® 438 Elliptical Trainer Workout Log
Keeping a log of your workouts is a good way to track your progress toward your
goals and is an excellent visual indicator of your increased level of physical fitness.
A workout log is also an outstanding tool to help keep you motivated. Seeing your
weekly, monthly, or even yearly accomplishments of how much time you spent
exercising on your elliptical trainer, the number of calories you burned, and the
distance you ran is not only fun but gives you a sense of pride and achievement
knowing that you are on your way to a healthier, more active, and energetic
Jan. 1
Jan. 2
Calories Calories Distance Distance
All Schwinn® exercise products are warranted to the retail purchaser to be free from defects in
materials and workmanship. Warranty coverage valid to the original purchaser only, and proof
of purchase will be required. Any product sold or placed in an application not recommended by
Schwinn® Fitness will void any warranty coverage set forth by Schwinn® Fitness warranty policies
and procedures.
Residential Environment:
30 years on frame
3 years on parts
2 years on electronics
1 year on labor
This warranty excludes wear items that need to be replaced due to normal wear and tear.
Any component on original equipment which carries a separate consumer warranty of the parts
Normal wear and tear.
Any damage, failure or loss caused by accident, misuse, neglect, abuse, improper assembly,
improper maintenance, or failure to follow instructions or warnings in the Owner’s Manual.
Use of products in a manner or environment for which they were not designed.
The foregoing warranties are in lieu of and exclude all other warranties not expressly set forth
herein, whether express or implied by operation of law or otherwise, including, but not limited to,
warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Nautilus, Inc. (Nautilus) shall in no
event be liable for incidental or consequential losses, damages or expenses in connection with its
exercise products. Nautilus’ liability hereunder is expressly limited to the replacement of goods not
complying with this warranty or, at Nautilus’ election, to the repayment of an amount of the purchase
price of the exercise product in question. Some states do not permit the exclusion or limitation
of implied warranties or incidental or consequential damages, so the preceding limitations and
exclusions may not apply to you.
Warranty service will be performed by an authorized Schwinn® Fitness Dealer. The original
purchaser must provide proof of purchase. Service calls and/or transportation to and from the
authorized Schwinn® Dealer is the responsibility of the purchaser.
Nautilus will have the option to repair or replace any exercise product(s), which require warranty
Nautilus will replace any equipment frame that is structurally defective with a new frame or
replace the unit with a unit of equal value. Nautilus is not responsible for labor charges in
replacing defective frames.
In the event a product cannot be repaired, Nautilus will apply a limited credit reimbursement
toward another Schwinn® exercise product of equal or greater value.
Nautilus is not responsible for dealer labor charges for component changeovers completed after
the labor-related warranty period(s) stated herein.
If you elect to repair an exercise product or part yourself, using the services of someone other
than an authorized Schwinn® Fitness Dealer, or use a replacement part not supplied by Nautilus,
Nautilus shall not be liable for any cost, damage, failure or loss caused by the use of such
unauthorized service or parts.
See your authorized Schwinn® Fitness Dealer for service or write to:
Schwinn Fitness Technical Services, Nautilus Inc., World Headquarters, 16400 SE Nautilus Drive,
Vancouver, WA 98683; or call 1-800-864-1270 for assistance or questions.
Elliptical Traiiner Model 438
Nautilus Inc., World Headquarters, 16400 SE Nautilus Drive, Vancouver WA 98683 © 2005 Nautilus Inc. All
Rights Reserved. Nautilus and the Nautilus logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Nautilus Inc.
Schwinn and the Schwinn Quality Seal are registered trademarks. 1.800.864.1270
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