Professional Vacuum & Up-Air Pressing Table
Heated pressing surface Standard
Vacuum & up-air
Power consumption
Pressing dimensions
Iron rest
10 amps
25” x 50”
Swing arms
400 series double arm
#100728H 28” sleeve buck
#100890H utilty buck
Shipping dimensions
27” x 52” x 24”
200 Lbs
Reliable™ 1 Year Warranty
For the ultimate pressing performance, we suggest the 426HAB - with features that will give you professional
results every time.
All our 400 series pressing tables are equipped with the industries strongest (for fast drying time) and fastest
(no waiting for the motor to rev up) 3/4 h.p. vacuum motors. The up-air feature reverses the vacuum to create
blowing so you can press on a cushion of air. Perfect for those delicate areas that are prone to show marks on
the fabric (pocket area on pants, fly front, jacket lining, corduroy, velvet and so on... any area that if you pressed
on a hard surface, it would leave an impression or crush the nap of the fabric).
The clothes you press deserves better... with the 426HAB’s professional tools (vacuum and up-air), you will
notice an immediate improvement in the finish quality of your ironing.
Shirts, pants jackets, general touch-up work
• 3/4 h.p. vacuum & up-air motor
• Heavy-duty #400 series swing double arms and arm holder
• #100890H contoured utility press buck (29” long) - heated
• #100728H 28” sleeve buck - heated
• Thermostat to control the heating element temperature
• Height adjustable
• Built-in heating element
• Long-life silicone pad and nylon cover, iron rest (adjustable)
220V electrical is available at an additional charge
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